Operated since 2011, Dongtam hotline is becoming an indispensable channel to effectively connect with customers to offer immediate advice and supports. The channel a new focus of Dongtam in 2015 which has been developed and applied nationwide. 

With a business philosophy of always listening, learning and innovating  to optimize the benefits of customers and continuously upgrading technology to improve product quality, Dongtam is dedicated to enhancing its customer service to boost customer satisfaction.  As a result, Dongtam hotline was formed to respond to customers’ concerns and as a forum for sharing ideas.

Since the beginning of 2015, Dongtam hotline has received and responded to more than 150 queries per month via (08) 5426 6868 or (08) 5426 7979. The data reveals that the hotline is popular choice for customers and a means of communication to offer advice on purchasing and installing Dongtam’s products. Additonally, it is a nationwide customer support line operating 8 hours per day from 7:45 AM to 16:45PM from Monday to Friday and from 7:45AM to 12PM every Saturday as published in other channels including the company’s website, advertisements, internal news and product packaging. 

In order to improve the quality of service and clearly understand and respond to customers needs in a timely and consistent manner, in August 2015, the hotline numbers, 08 5426 6868 and  5426 7979 were displayed in all Dongtam stores and showrooms to provide customers with a quick, convenient way to give feedback about the company’s service. 

In order to receive prompt guidance or advice details about products, services or promotions please contact us at (08) 5426 6868 or (08) 5426 7979.

It is an honor to serve you!

External Affair & Communication.

Hotline: (+84.8) 5426 6868 – 5426 7979

Time Working:
– Monday – Friday: 7:45 – 16:45
– Saturday: 7:45 – 12:00