On May 30th, 2014, at the head office’s conference room in Ben Luc district (Long An), the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2014 was successfully held by Dong Tam Group, with the attendance of our valuable Shareholders, the Company’s Management Board, Supervisory Board together with the representatives of the subsidiaries’ Board of Directors. Thereby, the General Meeting has adopted the operation results of 2013, operation orientation of 2014 and many other important issues.
2013 was continuously a year of difficulty, challenge for the economy of Vietnam as well as of the world. In such context, the Management Board and Executive Committee have actively set out the appropriate business guidelines, strategies, constructed many business policies to meet timely the market changes. At the end of 2013, Dong Tam Group has obtained the very satisfactory business results and completed the plan of some important targets: Net revenue reached 1,582 billion VND, 98.9% compared to the plan, increased 87.7% compared to 2012; After-tax profit achieved 125.7 billion VND, 125.7% compared to the plan.
Stepping over 2014, the country’s situation has had many signs to show that the real estate market has started the recovery stage although the purchasing power was still weak and the waiting mentality has remained. Therefore, in the operation direction of 2014, besides maintaining regularly the highest human resources in the core industry as building materials. Dong Tam Group continues to construct the diversified and flexible business policy for the building material industry in order to raise the revenue and profit; invests in the items bringing the increased value; continues to promote the Enterprise Culture system, to maintain the social activities… The Management Board has proposed the business plan targets and business directions in 2014 as follows: Net revenue reaches 1,800 billion VND; After-tax profit obtains 135 billion VND; Dividend achieves 5%.
2014 is also the year of many important events of Dong Tam Group, in which the outstanding is the 45-year Dong Tam trademark founding day anniversary event (June 25th, 1969 – June 25th, 2014) with a variety of abundant activities taking place nationwide, especially the Sports Festival and Grateful Party for the customers have been held in three North – Central – South regions. This is also the opportunity for whole officials and employees to review together the Dong Tam trademark establishment and development process since 1969, from that, thanking the founding generations who had merits to conserve and look after so that Dong Tam Group gets successes like today. The event is also the chance for the Management Board and Executive Committee to send the thanks to all partners and valuable customers who have travelled with and supported Dong Tam’s products during the recent time.
The General Meeting finished successfully with the high consent of the attending shareholders and adopted the Meeting Minutes as well as the draft Resolution.
According to External Affairs – Media Department
Mr. Vo Quoc Thang – Chairman of Dong Tam Group’s Management Board speaks for opening the General Meeting.
The Shareholders vote at the General Meeting.
The delegation chairman replies the shareholders’ question in the discussion.
The shareholders vote.